HomeOur CoursesDiplomaBack End Web Development Diploma Using JAVA

Back End Web Development Diploma Using JAVA

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Back End Web Development Diploma Using JAVA ( 140 Training Hours )
This diploma aims to provide students with the necessary skills to build and develop back-end web applications using advanced technologies. It includes the following courses:
– Programming: Students will learn the basics of programming using a language such as Java, C++, and Python. Includes basic programming concepts, how to write code, methods for organizing data, and problem solving.
– MySQL Database Management: Students learn how to create and manage databases using MySQL, including designing tables, SQL queries, and improving query performance.
– Back-end web application development using Java Spring Boot: Students will learn how to use Java with Spring Boot to build robust and reliable back-end web applications. This includes preparing projects, managing dependencies, and dealing with databases.
– Advanced web development using Saas: Students will learn how to develop advanced web applications using Java, with an emphasis on the SAAS (Software as a Service) model that enables applications to be delivered over the Internet in a flexible and efficient manner.

By the end of this diploma, the student will be able to build and develop back-end web applications using Java, including handling data, securing applications, and ensuring their stability and high performance.


